Harish Haresamudram

I am a fourth year PhD student with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Georgia Institute of Techology, Atlanta. I am advised by Prof. Thomas Ploetz and Prof. Irfan Essa. I received my Master’s degree in May 2019 from Georgia Tech, where my thesis studied the role of representations in human activity recognition using wearables. I was advised by Prof. Thomas Ploetz and Prof. David Anderson.

Previously, I was associated with the Learning and Extraction of Acoustic Patterns Labs, Indian Institute of Science where I worked on speaker verification and spoof detection, advised by Prof. Sriram Ganapathy.


My research broadly involves learning representations for time-series data, with a special focus on developing techniques that require minimal supervision. I develop unsupervised and self-supervised learning algorithms for data from wearable sensors, including accelerometers, gyroscopes and intertial measurement units (IMUs).

Recent News


  • ISWC 2020, 2021.
  • IEEE Pervasive Computing.
  • IMWUT 2021.
  • KDD 2021.